Computer Repair Tune-Up Tips - Make Your Computer Run Fast!

A lot of people will experience a day when your new fast computer gets slow. This happens for a number of reasons and I will explain the two most important ones briefly.

1) When you have a new computer it usually comes with very little programs installed to take up your RAM memory, as you install more programs they load automatically on startup. Eventually, you have so many programs loading on start-up that your memory gets used up making the computer run slow. You fix this by first disabling unwanted Startup Programs and then by adding more RAM to your computer. This step is the biggest performance gain in any PC Tune-Up.

2) The other obvious problems that come up are junk programs, viruses/spyware, hard drive fragmentation, and temporary internet files. These things clutter the hard drive and consume resources that windows needs to run fast and efficient. Viruses and Spyware can actually delete files and destroy an install of Windows so its extremely important to clean those off. These things can be cleaned out and I will cover how to do this below:

Doing a Computer Tune-Up For Windows XP / Vista

1) Go to Google and search for crucial memory. Visit their site and run their memory scan tool. It will analyze your memory and suggest upgrades you can do to your exact computer model. In most cases the cost will be around $40.00 to $80.00 dollars for the parts. Ideally, you want your computer to have a minimum of 1GB, but 2GB is highly recommended. Especially if you have Windows Vista.

2) The second
thing you do is to modify your startup items by using "MSCONFIG". You can access "MSCONFIG" by going to your Start Menu and selecting Run. Then in the command line type: "MSCONFIG". Go the start-up tab and you can then deselect certain items from starting up. I like to reference the command line and just look at the path of the item. That will give you a good idea what program it relates to and if you need it starting up or not. If you are not sure of the item enabled then you'll need to research the name on GOOGLE or just leave it alone.

3) The next step is to access add / remove programs in your Windows Control Panel. Go through that list and look at the programs installed. Only uninstall programs you don't use anymore. Especially the big ones taking up lots of hard drive space! If your unsure of an item then leave it alone or research the item name on GOOGLE.

4) After that you can access the disk clean up utility by opening up "My Computer" and right clicking your C drive and selecting properties. Select the disk clean up utility and it will take a few minutes to scan your hard drive. After that, it will have you select different types of files to clean off. I normally select my Downloaded Program Files, Temp Internet Files, Recycle Bin, and Temp Files. I don't recommend compressing old files so I usually leave that option unchecked. Everything thing else should be unchecked unless you want to perform that action. After that let it run until it finishes.

5) At some point everyone needs to defrag there hard drive. This will increase the speed at which your computer accesses data from the drive by reorganizing the data bits closer together. As things get installed and removed from the system the drive will become fragmented, so this will reverse that process! You can access it from Start Menu / Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Defragmenter. When it launches just select your drive, then hit defragment. If the drive does not need to be defragged then it will tell you after its initial scan.

6) Virus and Spyware removal. If you don't have a good Anti-Virus software installed then I would install AVG free 8 on your system. You can download it from AVG's website, just Google free avg basic.

Follow the instructions for downloading and install. It will provide you with all the protection you need for viruses and spyware. Another excellent utility for spyware removal is a utility called Spybot. You can download and install it from here:

In conclusion if you have followed all of these steps and your computer is still having problems freezing up or is running very slow then you need to rebuild windows and backup your data. I have followed this plan before on many of my customers computers and it shows dramatic increases in speed most of the time. But sometimes if the computer is badly damaged from a virus or its more than three years old its just time to either do a fresh install of windows, or buy a new computer!

by : scott bates

SEO for Yahoo Store

Hundreds of thousands of online stores around the internet; with yahoo alone boasting more than 20,000 stores. The only way you can build traffic to your yahoo store, is by strategically featuring in online searches. The higher you rank on the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) for the specified product category you are offering, the higher relevant hits to your website and higher conversions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to obtaining a high rank on search engines. When SEO-field, your yahoo store gains steadily in search engine rankings.

SEO is usually thought about as placing the right keywords in the right spots. However, with the search engines becoming smarter and smarter, this no longer suffices. Yahoo stores use a complex proprietary language called RTML, making the task of SEO integration even more difficult. For your yahoo store to succeed in the race for search engine listing, here are a few notable SEO ideas:

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions that contain strategically placed keywords can bring prospective customers streaming into your yahoo store. Moreover, if a user is searching for a particular product, there are very high chances he/she is about to buy it.

Product Image Names

An often overlooked yahoo store SEO aspect is product image names. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN Live etc. recognize image names and even provide extensive image search features. Naming your product images correctly can play an important role in improving SEO listings.

SEO oriented Blog

Blogs are notoriously search engine friendly and can provide a big impetus to your search engine listing. A regularly updated blog with SEO friendly content can bring your yahoo store to the forefront of user searches, and also draw a lot of traffic. Blogs can help solidify the notion that you are not a fly-by-night online retailer. This builds trust with the users and leads to higher conversion ratio and user loyalty.

Bread Crumbs

Bread crumbs are amongst the frequently ignored yahoo store SEO feature. Bread crumbs are smart navigation markers which provide an exact product listing position to the search engine, making it easy for them to relate these product listings with user searches on their website.

Meta Tags

Dynamically generated meta tags containing unique keywords and descriptions on each page of your yahoo store are great support to the over SEO effort. These meta tags are amongst the first places a search engine looks into when spidering your page; making them strategically important in search engine listing.

Page Title Tags

Page title tags inform the search engine what exactly to expect inside a page. Poorly and unprofessionally titled pages can prove to be a big disappointment for the search engine and your yahoo store may be demoted in search engine listings. Hence you need dynamically generated smart page title tags to be approved as relevant content by search engines.

With the above 6 SEO ideas, your yahoo store will be all set to gain prominence in search engine listings and provide profitable traffic to your website.

If you are not technically well-versed with SEO, it may serve well to hire a professional yahoo store design and development company to do so. is an established company with RTML expertise.

Succeed In Website Development With PHP Tools

PHP web development tools enable a website development company to provide innovative functionalities for use to the clients spread across the globe. Most of these PHP development tools are freely available online and they are the secret of success for many businesses in this online arena.

The basic requirements for PHP tools to be the performing tools is that they should be reliable and perfect, add value to the continuing processes and models, have cross platform support and above all they should not cost much to the company.

The most important tools that are applied in PHP development are:

• Debugging Tools –
These are software tools which enable the programmer to monitor the execution of a program, stop it, re-start it, set breakpoints, change values in memory and even, in some cases, go back in time.

• Server Synchronized FTP Program – The latest kind of PHP development tools have the features to upload the program codes to the server and download them for improvement. In this way, web developers get intelligent tools to fulfill their requirements.

• Code Search Tools - These tools are used when you search for specific module specific variable, the tools provide a utility that can search within all your code to find a term.

• Version Control Tools – The tools are used to allow the versions of the program to remain coherent with the web development requirements. Examples are CS-RCS, Subversion etc. They can be downloaded free from the website and effortlessly integrated for further use.

• PHP Friendly Virtual Server – In order to run PHP tools for more benefits, it is necessary for the web hosting and web development companies to opt for PHP friendly virtual servers that have the capability of providing MySQL standard facilities.

The aforementioned tools are easy to use and add inventive methodologies to the business models of an organization. Even a person with little knowledge of website development or designing can practice the implementations of these tools very easily.

Source by: Shefali Dhamija

Explaining the Basics of a Personal Injury

Are you out of work and do you have lots of medical bills because of injuries you sustained in an accident? Has having the accident changed the way you live your life? If this is true, it is the right time to call a personal injury attorney to assist you in getting what you deserve. The point of looking for compensation is to help you cover the costs of your bills and help you return to a normal life, not to earn lots of money because of someone else's negligence. This article will explain what a personal injury is, the financial limits, and the fees from legal services involved in a personal injury suit. It could be something you need to assist you in getting what you deserve.

What does personal injury mean?

Personal injury refers to
when people become injured due to the negligence of another. A good example is the case of an automobile accident in which an at-fault motorist causes injury to others by colliding with their vehicle, or by striking a pedestrian. Injuries can also occur as a consequence of a manufacturer making a product that is hazardous to consumers. Injuries that result from negligence are common, thus there exist many laws to protect people who become injured, as well as helping them receive the money they need to pay for their bills and damages.

Are malpractice and wrongful death legitimate causes for personal injury claims?

Yes, malpractice and wrongful death, because of the actions of a professional, are both legitimate causes for personal injury claims. If someone dies or sustains injuries or harm because of a doctor's negligent actions, they have a case for a personal injury claim because the medical personnel involved neglected to follow the required standard operating procedures. The most common suits are medical malpractice, but no profession is safe from a malpractice suit. All professionals are required to follow rules and regulations that control their actions to make sure they perform their jobs correctly. If not, an individual could do what they want without consequence.

Are there financial limits to personal injury suits?

Yes, there are limits to personal injury suits. The percentage of fault, extent of injuries, and location are all factors that impact the limits. A percentage of faults are attributed to each party involved in the accident. For instance, if you happened to be in an auto accident, and did not have your seat belt on, a determination could be made that a certain portion of your injuries, on a percentage basis, resulted from your own negligent behavior.

How much does it cost to get an attorney in a personal injury suit?

Oftentimes there is a "no win, no fee" contingency with personal injury attorneys. Translated this means that if you do not win, you do not need to pay your attorney. There is still a catch. If the person at fault does not have insurance, most attorneys would be unwilling to take your case. The goal of a personal injury attorney is to force the insurance companies to pay the costs, so when the person who is at fault does not have insurance; the case is not worth the attorney's time as it is less likely you will secure a large settlement. The attorney would take a particular percentage, but only if you win your case. Fifteen percent or more of your total settlement is the common fee. Discuss the fees involved when you meet with your attorney for the very first time.

Source by: Tiana McNeeley

Cost Per Cick Basic For Small Compani

Cost per click or PPC is often discussed in terms of a wider internet marketing campaign, or as a method for large businesses with huge advertising budgets to buy their way to the top of the search engines. However, small businesses and can benefit from implementing a PPC campaign too.

Depending on your product or service, investing in cost per click might even be more worthwhile than considering a search engine optimization campaign because of the speediness of results (or lack of) - and you may find that being a small enterprise, where your strategy can be changed and adapted quickly, may even give you the edge in your sector.

Knowing which keywords/phrases to target for your PPC campaign is likely to be the most important aspect to get right. Being a small business with a tight advertising budget means that the more comprehensive your research and the more compromising you are with your terms, then the more successful you shall be.

In simple terms, unlike SEO, you will be paying for the privilege to be at the top of the search engines up front. But at the same time, you will be able to see where your campaign is and isn't working within a couple of weeks, compared to months or a year for SEO.

That said, when considering which keywords/phrases to bid for, the rules are quite similar to those of search engine optimization.

Choosing A Web Design Company - Tips

There are many criteria which must be considered while choosing a website design company. The first and foremost aspect is the cost. Though, the service should not be chosen by overlooking the quality factors. Pay attention to the following aspects to find a professional web designing company that meets your necessity.

A professional web design company should offer wide-ranging services straddling all aspects of website designing and maintenance. They should also have custom-made services tailored to meet up clients need. Further, they should also offer flexible services offerings that will assist their customers choose the services when required.

Also, when you choose web designing company, make sure that they are also deal in web development and internet marketing services. So, in future if you require web development or internet marketing you will get it under one roof. Further, consider the team size and their areas of expertise, this will help you to save significant amount of time and money.

Lastly, while choosing a web designing company, you must consider the reputation of the company and reference of past clients. Also, you have to carry out a through assessment of the services they are offering. If they offer customer services considered, you can choose company without doubts.

source by: Steve Irron

Six Ways to Generate Traffic to Your Website

The question I answer most when speaking to business owners is… How do I get more traffic? I decided that it would save time if I wrote an article on 6 effective strategies for generating traffic to your website. So here they are….

Link Exchange:

SEO gets its success from link exchange. These link popularity strategies are used by webmasters, developers and various other web owners to promote their websites in popular search engines and increase the traffic inflow. Linking between websites is an important part of the search engine optimization process because Google uses link popularity algorithms to rank websites for relevancy using PageRank. 'Branding' your name effectively is the chief function of link exchange. The more links you have, the greater expansion of your business. Paton Marketing makes sure that the click through ratio of your links is enough to enhance your web presence. A link exchange creates a blazing online presence, increases search engine ranking and attracts more traffic. The inflow of traffic on your proves that there are many customers who are interested in your products. By adopting link exchange programs you can gain better sales quotient from time to time.


If you can provide a blog which is interesting, capturing and exploring new dimensions, you are sure to build your web presence. Like Forums, many of your prospects spend their time researching your industry on blogs. Blogging has added a zest to communication on the internet. Blogs are so very popular these days that millions of people are talking to one another through their blogs right this very moment. It is an important podium by which marketers can capture the millions of potential buyers on the web. One of the many advantages of a business blog is relationship building with your visitors who read your blogs. Through the blog, you can reach out to the innumerable web surfers and market your product easily. Blogs act as a meeting point for interested readers. There are online communities that act as a point of confluence for your readers to bounce back to your blog again and again. Your credibility increases when you will find that readers look up to you as a big shot i!

n the industry. Blogging offers an incredible opportunity for online marketing.


As you build your list of “permission based” emails, it is important to continue to communicate with your database. You need to make sure that you adapt your business model to meet the demands of online business. Getting a rich web presence is highly essential for your business growth. Perhaps one of the most useful online marketing tools available for you is email marketing (if pursued properly!). E-mail helps people to get adequate information, updates and even a reason to become your high esteemed customer. One way you can do this is to send out catalogues and newsletters through email marketing (please do not spam!). By getting your customers involved, you can regulate immense traffic flow to your website. With your email service, not only can you keep your customers informed, you can also inform them about your new line of products and services. Through email marketing, you can get very important and informative feedback from your customers.


Developing articles and submitting them to relevant directories can get you an incredible amount of traffic. Article marketing is another tool for online business that easily generates visitors because it satisfies the reader’s quest for knowledge. You and your site will have more profit because when users will search for information regarding a subject, your article will pop up. Writing articles will allow them to trust you and your expertise on the subject. If you use proper keywords in your article, then the chances of your article coming up in search engines will increase. This encourages more clicks to your article, and more visits to your website. Blend articles with proper grammar, syntax and formatting to get the desired result. A third party person writing and submitting articles referencing your company gives you high credibility.

Classified Ads:

Classified ads have a lot of benefits - many of which have been responsible for helping small tiny businesses to expand into big enterprises. One of the biggest advantages that make classified ads apt for online business is they make it easy to do plenty of experimenting until they find just the right advertisement needed to boost up the success of your business. The more ads we post promoting our clients, the more likely we are to get traffic back to our clients’ website. This is a great way to increase brand awareness and improve sales. We use our software to build solid classified ad campaigns and promote every product or service you offer.


A well-crafted short video has an incredible impact on generating online traffic. Podcasting is a trendy way to broaden your customer base. With new modes of interaction, podcasts are quite in vogue to connect the company and the consumers. Video podcasting is broadcasting on the web. With a visual and audio content, you can enhance the delivery of your message across millions. Video podcast is considered to be a more attractive medium of advertising. Marketers are taking up this technology to demonstrate their products and services. With the rise of mobile players, it is easier to reach out to their customers. With the help of videos or podcasts on your site, you can allow your customers with several options to read your articles, watch videos or simply listen to its audio format. This will definitely increase your search engine rankings and eventually increase website traffic.

Source By :Todd Paton